
webship-js logo
Webship-js is an Automated Functional Acceptance Testing tool. Helps to ease and speed the work with the End-to-end testing features in web apps or projects. Utilizing Nightwatch.js and Cucumber-js. Having custom and advanced general step definitions.
cucumber logo
Cucumber Automated Functional Acceptance Testing Management system The console dashboard system was built on top of Drupal, as it has many options, tools, frameworks, and configuration management, which are needed in building solutions. Helps in speeding up the work of having
The portal site was built on top of Drupal, as it has many options, tools, frameworks, and configuration management, which are needed in building solutions.
Webtheme Logo
Webtheme is the default theme for With a responsive and mobile-first layout. Explore the all options to custom the base theme. To be used in more cases.