Automate testing of your website’s consent management for the Privacy Policy and cookies

Privacy Policy and Cookies

Automate testing of your website’s consent management for the Privacy Policy and cookies

In the digital age, protecting user privacy is no longer optional—it’s a necessity mandated by global regulations like GDPR and CCPA. As the demand for transparency grows, consent management tools for cookies and privacy policies have become an essential part of any website. But how can you ensure these tools function efficiently without constant manual review? This is where automated testing comes in, ensuring seamless compliance and a secure, hassle-free user experience.

We will demonstrate automated functional acceptance testing for consent management of the Privacy Policy and cookies using Webship-JS on the website

Additionally, we will conduct another automated functional acceptance test for consent management on the website, ensuring compliance and seamless functionality.

With Webship-JS, you can test any consent management format available on a website, regardless of its design or implementation. This ensures complete flexibility and adaptability to different structures and compliance frameworks.

Gherkin scripts for testing the Privacy Policy and Cookies at

Feature: Check Privacy and Cookies
  As anonymous user
  I want to be able to visit the home page
  For testing consent management for the Privacy Policy and cookies 

  Scenario: Check Privacy and Cookies
    Given I am on the homepage
     When I wait until the page is loaded
     Then I should see "We use cookies on this site to enhance your user experience. For more information on how we use cookies, read "
     When I click "our privacy notice"
     Then I should be on "/privacy-notice"
      And I should see "Privacy Notice"
      And I should see "What data do we collect?"
      And I should see "How do we collect your data?"

Gherkin scripts for testing the Privacy Policy and Cookies at

Feature: Check Privacy and Cookies
  As anonymous user
  I want to be able to visit the home page
  For testing consent management for the Privacy Policy and cookies 
  Scenario: Check Privacy and Cookies
    Given I am on the homepage
     When I click "Cookies"
     Then I should see "Take control of your cookies"
     When I click "Cookie Settings"
     Then I should see "How can I change my BBC cookie settings?"
      And I should see "Strictly Necessary Cookies"
      And I should see "Functional Cookies"
     When I click "personalisationfalse" by attr
      And I click "personalisationtrue" by attr
     Then I should see "Performance Cookies"
     When I click "performancefalse" by attr
     When I click "performancetrue" by attr
     Then I should see "Advertising Cookies for Users Outside the UK"
     When I click "View the full version of the Privacy and Cookies Policy"
     Then I should see "The BBC Privacy and Cookies Policy"
      And I should see "1. What's in this policy?"
      And I should see "2. What does this policy cover?"
      And I should see "3. How do you protect my personal information?"

Watch the recorded video of the robot running the automated functional testing feature at and


Results are displayed in report form. You can see that all steps were completed successfully. 

We haven’t shown everything due to the length of the results for

We haven’t shown everything due to the length of the results for

If robots can click “I Agree” for you, why not let them? With automation, you can forget about consent management headaches and focus on what really matters!
It’s time to make things faster, easier, and more accurate—are you ready for the next step? 

Learn more about Step Definitions in Webship-js 

Visit the documentation site:-