Love to help in speeding up the work of having Automated Functional Acceptance Testing for products to ship websites in a swift way.
We LOVE to help with:
- Automated Functional Testing setup and configurations for projects.
- Writing Cucumber descriptions, Gherkin scripts for web apps.
- Setup Selenium robot servers, and Web-drivers to work on a local development and private CI/CD servers.
- Setup of Selenium robot config to run with public or private CI/CD remote servers. like Github Actions, Gitlab-CI, Bitbucket Pipelines, BrowserStack.
This step definition serves as a command to mark/select a checkbox.
This step definition serves as a command for choosing an option from a selection of items in a dropdown list.
This step definition is used as a command to click a link, to correctly navigate to a specific page that expects to navigate to.
In this release, the request URL package has been switched from Request to Axios due to the deprecation warning 'request@2.88.2: request has been deprecated.'