Webship-js: When I select "option" from "select list"

When i select

Webship-js: When I select "option" from "select list"

This step definition serves as a command for choosing an option from a selection of items in a dropdown list.

When (I|we)* select "([^"]*)?" from "([^"]*)?"

Define the step of selecting an option specified by value|text, in the select element specified by id|class|name|label.

Example (1):

When I select "mercedes" from "Cars"

Example (2):

When we select "Mercedes" from "cars"

Real example testing on the https://donate.wfp.org site.

Feature: Check the Language
  As a nonymouse user
  I want to be able to visit the Language
  So that I know that the site is working
  Scenario: Check Language
    Given I am on the homepage
     When I select "ar" from "lng"
      And we wait 3 seconds
     Then I should see "تبرّع شهرياً"					
     When I select "fr" from "lng"
      And we wait 3 seconds
     Then I should see "DON MENSUEL"
     When I select "de" from "lng"
      And we wait 3 seconds
     Then I should see "MONATLICH SPENDEN"
     When I select "es" from "lng"
      And we wait 3 seconds
     Then I should see "DONACIÓN MENSUAL"
     When I select "en-gb" from "lng"
      And we wait 3 seconds
     Then I should see "GIVE MONTHLY"
      And we wait 3 seconds

Watch the recorded video of the robot while running the automated functional testing feature

Display the results in the form of a report 

You can see that all steps have been completed successfully

Learn more about Step Definitions in Webship-js 

Visit the  documentation site:- https://webship.co/docs