Webship-js: When I go to ( the homepage & "specific page" )

When I go to

Webship-js: When I go to ( the homepage & "specific page" )

When I go to the homepage

The step definition indicates that the user is navigating to the homepage of the website being tested.

The implementation details may vary depending on the testing framework being tested. For web applications, it might involve clicking a link or button, entering a specific URL, or using a predefined navigation command.

Example to use:

When I go to the homepage
When we go to the homepage

When I go to homepage
When we go to homepage

And I go to "/"
And we go to "/"

When I go to "specific page"

The step definition indicates that the user is navigating to a specific page of the website being tested.

The implementation details may vary depending on the testing framework being tested. For web applications, it might involve clicking a link or button, entering a specific URL, or using a predefined navigation command.

Example to use:

When I go to "contact"

When we go to "user/login"


Real example testing on the webship.co site.

Feature: Check when I go to
  As an anonymous user
  I want to be able to check when I go to webship.co
  So that I know that the webship.co site is working
  Scenario: Check when I go to 
   Given I am on homepage
    When I go to "services"
     And I go to the homepage
     And we go to "contact"
     And I go to "/"
     And I go to "about-us"
     And we go to the homepage

Watch the recorded video of the robot while running the automated functional testing feature


Display the results in the form of a report 

You can see that all steps have been completed successfully


Learn more about Step Definitions in Webship-js 

Visit the  documentation site:- https://webship.co/docs