Testing Website Search Using Webship-js Tool


Testing Website Search Using Webship-js Tool

In this blog, we will demonstrate automated functional acceptance testing for search functionality on the homepage and the search page. We will use the United Nations site: https://www.un.org/en as an example.

We will use some step definitions to create the scenario required for testing website search, such as


For input text

When I fill in "field" with "value" by its "placeholder" attribute

This step definition involves entering a specific value into a designated field on the tested website, identified by its attribute.

This field can be specified by id | class | name | placeholder for the field. It is possible to add or not add a sign “.” for class, and "#" for id.

You can see more step definitions used When I fill in..


For press button

When I press "button" by attribute

This step definition is used as a command to press a button, ensuring the correct execution of the expected action.

Define the step for pressing the button with the specified ID, class, name, title, or value.

You can see more step definitions used When I press "button"


To see the result

Then I should see "text in the page"

This step definition is used to be sure that the text specified exists on the current page

You can see more step definitions used Then I should see


For click line

When I click "link" by attribute

This step definition is used as a command to click a link, ensuring correct navigation to the expected page.

Define the step for clicking the link by its id|class|name|title or any attribute.

You can see more step definitions used When I click "link"


The Gherkin scripts for testing website search on the https://www.un.org/en site.

Feature: Check the search
 As anonymous user 
   I want to be able to visit the home page 
   For teasing the search
 Scenario: Check search
   Given I am on the homepage
    When I fill in "Search" with "The Science behind the Summit" by its "placeholder" attribute
     And I press "btn-primary" by attr
    Then I should see "The Science behind the Summit"
    When I click "Reset"
     And I fill in "Enter search terms" with "The World Health Organization" by its "placeholder" attribute
     And I press "sitesearchTrigger" by attr
    Then I should see "The World Health Organization"


Watch the recorded video of the robot while running the automated functional testing feature

Display the results in the form of a report 

You can see that all steps have been completed successfully

test search

Learn more about Step Definitions in Webship-js 

Visit the documentation site:- https://webship.co/docs