Documentation Webship JS 1.0.x Install Webship JS Step Definitions Given I am on homepage Given I am on "specific page" When I go to the homepage When I go to "specific page" When I reload the page When I move backward one page When I move forward one page When I fill in When I press "button" When I click "link" When I check "checkbox" When I uncheck "checkbox" When I select "option" from "select list" When I attach the file "file name" to "input file" When I wait Then I should see Then I should see "text in the page" Then I should not see "text in the page" Then I should see text matching "text pattern" Then I should not see text matching "text pattern" Then I should see text matching "text pattern" in the "element" element Then I should not see text matching "text pattern" in the "element" element Then I should see (a/an) "field" element Then I should not see "value" in the "text" element Then I should not see (a/an) "field" element Then I should see "value" in the "text" element Then I should be Then the "item" checkbox Then the item should contain Then the response status code should be {number} When I attach the file "file name" to "element" Assertions Commands Needed Tools Integrations This step definition is used to be sure that the element specified not exists on the current page.Then (I|we)* should not see a(n)* "([^"]*)?" element Example:Then I should not see an "errorMsg" element