When I fill in the following: by its attribute

This step definition indicates that the user is filling in multiple fields with specific values.


When (I|we)* fill in the following: by( its)*( "([^"]*)?")* (attribute|attr)
| feild 1 | value 1 |
| feild 2 | value 2 |


When this step is executed, it typically involves providing a set of field-value pairs or a data structure that specifies the fields and their corresponding values.

These fields can be specified by id | class | name | placeholder and label for the field. It is possible to add or not add a sign “.” for class, and "#" for id.

Example by id, class, or name:

When I fill in the following:
| #username | Jhon Smith |
| .password | 1234 |
| .email | jhonsmith@mail.com |


Or match any of the field attributes:

When we fill in the following: by its "name" attr
| username | Jhon Smith |
| password | 1234 |
| email | jhonsmith@mail.com |