This step definition describes entering a specific value into a particular field on the website being tested.
When (I|we)* fill in "([^"]*)?" for "([^"]*)?" by( its)*( "([^"]*)?")* (attribute|attr)
This step is usually used when a specific input text field needs to be filled with a particular value to perform an event whose results depend on the entered value.
This field can be specified by id | class | name | placeholder for the field. It is possible to add or not add a sign “.” for class, and "#" for id.
Example by direct calling of ID, class:
When I fill in "Jhon Smith" for "#username" by attribute
When I fill in "Jhon Smith" for ".username" by attr
Or match any of the field attributes:
When I fill in "Jhon Smith" for "username" by attr
When I fill in "Jhon Smith" for "username" by its "name" attr
When I fill in "Jhon Smith" for "username" by its "placeholder" attribute